Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do I convince my mom to let me wear eyeliner?

I'm almost 14, and I just want to wear eyeliner. She said to wait until I was 16. I asked tonight if I could just put some on and show her and let her see it wouldn't be skanky, but she still said no, I'm too young. Help???How do I convince my mom to let me wear eyeliner?
Wait. Don't disobey your mom or it will make things worse! Try showing your mom how mature you are, do more chores, say kind and loving things. When she sees you acting like a nice young lady she might reconsider her decision. DO NOT REBEL! That will make her more upset and ';NO'; will be her first answer.

Enjoy your life w/o makeup. I remember when I begged my mom and now that I have it, I feel the same. Makeup should enhance your beauty, not take away from it OR cover it up.

When you have your moms blessing, try light brown for your first color. Black will probably scare her and make her change her mind. (Unless your hair is black.) How do I convince my mom to let me wear eyeliner?
I wore eyeliner when I reach the age of 16. You're too young to wear eyeliner. Try talk to your mom when it comes toward makeup you can ask her advice what makeup you can wear at your age now and why doesn't she wants you to wear makeup. Wearing eyeliner on a daily basis is not good. You can try to convince her to let her put an eyeliner on you on a certain occasion. She might not agree on first but with some time she will until she saw that you are ready and matured already when it comes to wearing makeup.
start wearing it around the house. ask your mom for tips on what looks best and act like her advice is really helpful. also, start out wearing it really light in colors like grey or a light brown so that your mom sees that you aren't going to look like a ho just because you are wanting to wear make up. also, when you ask her and she says no, don't freak out and yell or anything. that will be a way to show your mom that you aren't immature.
You really don't need to wear it everyday to school. Maybe ask her to let you wear it on special occasions. I would say you should practice with it and learn how to apply it properly, too many young girls end up looking like raccoons because they wear too much eyeliner.

Ask her to show you how to put it on, so that she feels she is in charge of the whole process.
idk, i think you should put it on anyways. i mean honestly, what are they gonna do. They have to let you go to school, and unless theyre going to forcefully take it off, theyre stuck with you wearing it to school.. Sure you might get grounded for awhile, but they eventually just except that youre going to continue wearing it.
Start out with mascara, eye liner is tricky so waiting at least ill your in high school might give you a better i dea of how to do it right, so tell her you just want to try something that will make your eyes still look natural but opened up
Ok, heres what I did up until this year! I bought some make up wipes, and put them in my backpack. I put on my makeup on the bus every morning and took it off on the bus going home!! She never knew!! But wear brown at first... it almost looks better I think!!
hmmm, well i just started wearing the stuff without telling my mom. you should try colors other then black at first, it wont be as harsh.
I'm a bit of a rebelious child. And my dad doesn't really like me wearing make-up...not even nail polish, but I ignore it.

I just put it on anyway.
just do it, she cant stop you
Here are a few ideas:

Ask her if there are things you can do to prove your maturity.

Talk to her about just wearing it around the house, so you can both get used to the new look.

Give it up. Wait a few months, maybe until after you turn 14, and try then. Pestering her won't make it happen any faster, it could make it take longer.

Good luck!

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