Saturday, November 28, 2009

What color eyeliner should I eyes, golden hair, and golden skin with a bit of pink.?

I have naturally golden (brownish/blondish) hair, and I have skin that matches my golden hair, but with a touch of pink to it. In addition, I have blue eyes.

I have brown, black or blue (a nice color blue) eyeliner. What color should I use? Usually I just light line my eyes abd put a little mascara on.

Thanks!What color eyeliner should I eyes, golden hair, and golden skin with a bit of pink.?
brown, it looks more natural.

blue is nice too, but stay away from black.What color eyeliner should I eyes, golden hair, and golden skin with a bit of pink.?
I have blond hair and blue eyes as well and I think plum colors work best on me. There is nothing wrong with a black eyeliner though. Just make sure you apply it the right way. It looks especially good with a smoky eye. Just make sure you have a nude lip if you wear dark eye makeup. Otherwise, you'll have too much going on. I often do makeup for brides and fair skinned people. I like to use browns and neutrals on them because it can make you look very pretty without much effort. It looks like you're barely wearing anything yet it looks so pretty. Try any of those. I also do tutorials if you'd like to see. Hope this helped you!
i would use a really pretty brown. Not too light but not like a chocolate either. Maybe a tan brown or even close to a gold but darker than your hair and skin. Or you could look for eyeliner that says 'for blue eyes' and make sure your mascara doesn't clash with they eyeliner too.
Brown will look great in the daily basis. It will highlight your eyes, without contrasting too much. Blue would look good in a special occasion, for a funnier look. As for the black, use it only when using smoky eyes or some effect like that, but I think that with your complexion, you'll look better with softer looks. Hope I helped. :)

NEVER wear the same colour eye makeup as your eye colour.

Brown tends to be a 'mum' colour, so I'd say black. If you feel black is too strong try smudging it with your finger or cotton bud in the corner of your eye to soften it.
I say not brown or black, but brown/black. Purple only looks good on people with brown eyes and a dark complexion. White is only good for under eye lining to make your eyes appear larger and refreshed. Blue will make your eyes look bald.
I have the same skin hair and eyes. In addition to the colors you use I also use white and purple. Both look really pretty :)
i think blue to highlight your blue eyes.
black will make eyes pop
Uh, none. Natural is best.

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